Tuesday, August 11, 2009
wooooooooooooooo summer camp was amazing. it was so much fun even though i got ditched like every three seconds and hardly anyone went. but that's okay cuz JESUS IS AWESOME (: yep. and i can't believe school starts NEXT WEDNESDAY. i'm so not ready ahhhhh. i went to central yesterday to check out my classes and the inside looks really really freaky cuz of reconstruction. and my locker is in a dark deserted hallway with like no lights and it's just really creepy.

yeah, so anyways. i still have a paper to write for summer homework... i really don't feel like it though. and yep i'm just gonna stop talking now cuz i ran out of things to say.


12:11 PM
Monday, August 3, 2009
so, i feel like i never update this thing anymore. but i'll try to post more often now... yeah, so high school registration/picture day is tomorrow and i need my schedule now. i guess i'm kind of nervous for some reason. but so far for summer homework i've finished almost all three books and a paper and a half. yet i still feel behind.

anyways, so mikayla's party yesterday was fun. we went to the pottery bayou and then the huntington pool and tennis club, which reminded of how much i suck at tennis. i'm so screwed for tryouts. and it was the first time all summer i went to the pool. fun stuff.

yeah, and I'M SOO EXCITED FOR SUMMER CAMP. even though there aren't that many people going this year, it'll still be oodles of fun. i seriously can't wait!!! and also, i'd like to mention that DREW ROY is the hottest male alive. and to close, i feel compelled to restate the fact that caterpillars are weird.


11:49 PM