Monday, June 29, 2009
thank you, taylor swift.
-so here's to everything coming down to nothing; here's to silence that cuts me to the core. where is this going? thought i knew for a minute, but i don't know anymore.

-i took a chance, i took a shot, and you might think i'm bulletproof but i'm not. you took a swing, i took it hard. and down here from the ground i see who you are. // you could write a book on how to ruin someone's perfect day. well, i get so confused and frustrated; forget what i'm trying to say, oh.

-breaking down and coming undone, it's a roller coaster kinda rush. and i never knew i could feel that much, and that's the way i loved you. // and you were wild and crazy; just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated.

-you don't have to call anymore; i won't pick up the phone. this is the last straw, don't wanna hurt anymore. and you can tell me that you're sorry, but i won't believe you, baby, like i did before.

-baby, i was naive, got lost in your eyes, and never really had a chance. i had so many dreams about you and me, happy endings, now i know i'm not a princess, this ain't a fairytale; i'm not the one you'll sweep off her feat, lead her up the stairwell. // now it's too late for you and your white horse to catch me now.


6:53 PM
Saturday, June 27, 2009
shopping + beaching = perfect combo
i went to michigan city today! and you know what the weird thing is? michigan city is in indiana... misleading, i know. yeah, so it was like a two hour ride to get to the outlet mall there, which is awesomely cheap! especially the hollister. so i got a cami and a shirt for only $6.90 each! and then a cool sweater shirt type thing for like, $19.90. it was very cool. oh, plus i got two pairs of flip flops from old navy because they had a 2 for $5 sale! i am just so frugal.

ok, so then we went to top dog (aka the best hotdog place in the whole world), as usual, and i got a chicago dog and fries. yumm, i'm still really full from that. so after that we went to the beach (indiana dunes), which was fun, even though the water was freezing cold and pretty polluted. but it's all good 'cause i still had a good time. (:

and finally, apparently JIMMY SAW A GIRL WHO LOOKED EXACTY LIKE ME AT THE OUTLET MALL HE WAS AT!!! and she even had a younger brother! yeah, i just had to include that in here. so thanks for listening to my rant and i'll just proceed with watching george lopez now.


8:58 PM
Friday, June 26, 2009
goodbye, michael jackson.
can you believe that michael jackson actually died today? it was so sudden, too. at first my sister wouldn't believe me when i told her, but it was all over the news, tv, and radio. actually, on the way to rachel's sister's softball game, michael jackson songs (thriller, beat it, etc.) were playing nonstop on the radio.

so nataliya, rachel, and i went to hannah's softball game, which was pretty fun. we watched the game for a bit until nataliya put her gum in rachel's hair! she put it in lightly, thinking it would come right out, but then it got stuck... so we used ice cubes to pull it out, and by the end, rachel's head was a giant fuzz ball. then, rachel and i sprinted off to the car to grab a comb in an attempt to ditch nataliya. right as the car door was about to close, nataliya stuck her hand between the automatic door and just made it. our plan was ruined, but somehow we managed. after that, we ran to the nearby park just to hang out and try out the super bouncy see-saw. there, we met a six-year-old boy (aka rachel's secret lover) who just wouldn't leave us alone... especially rachel. so we managed to escape from him after his many conversation attempts. we ran back to our place by the bleachers to watch the game, spray each other with our water bottles, and share random fmylife stories. fun stuff.

hannah's team ended up winning, and after the game we stopped by subway (since it was 8:00 and i still hadn't eaten dinner yet). we bought a five dollar footlong, cut it into thirds, and i finally had my dinner. what a fun day...

by the way - i customized my layout! (: like it?

12:48 AM
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
hello, my little ninja pickles.
like my new layout? yeah, i know thanks. haha, so today was a pretty busy day. i had tutoring at one, piano right after at four, dinner, and tennis again. outside. 94 degrees. besides the bugs and dripping sweat, it was actually kind of fun. luckily, i have nothing going on tomorrow so i can sleep until two, or whenever i want.

wow, i can't believe i'm leaving for china next thursday! i thought we were leaving in two weeks until my mom told me we were going next week! i'm sooo excited.

yeah, so that was just a short update on my day... leave a comment on my cbox in the yellow tab of the binder and call/text me for plans tomorrow!


9:09 PM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
water guns and strawberry sundaes
what a day... so i woke up to a text from jo (my wifey) at around 11am, took a shower, and went to the sale at nordstrom rack with my mom. there was tons of stuff, but every single thing i wanted didn't come in my size! it was incredibly annoying, so i ended up not getting anything, which sucked (if you know me, you know that i hate going shopping and not getting anything).

then we picked up some mickey d's for lunch and headed back home. after that, my brother woke up from his afternoon nap and we decided to go to the meadow glens park. but since it's like 92 degrees out today, we brought some water guns along with us... i spent the next hour chasing my brother around the park and squirting him until each water gun was empty. by the end, he was completely soaking wet and cooled off while i was sweaty and burning. and there was no more water left for me. sooo of course, we went to get some dairy queen! i got a strawberry sundae. (: what a fun day.
anyway, i have tennis tonight, which is gonna be torture since it's still burning hot outside! bleh, i'm gonna need some more dairy queen to cool off.
p.s. i miss michelle iris lin like heck! she needs to come back already. (: i miss you and i love you like none other!

5:28 PM
Monday, June 22, 2009
let's give this a try.
so this is new. well, not really; it reminds me of xanga. i don't really see why anyone would bother reading this, but i guess i'll just talk to myself. or whoever's out there.

where to begin... well, i'm reading the secret life of bees by sue monk kidd at the moment for my summer epoc assignment. it's actually not half bad. pretty intense. i also have to read two other books: the adventures of ibn battuta: a muslim traveler of the 14th century by ross e. dunn and things fall apart by chinua achebe for ap world. not exactly looking forward to that. i can already tell that next year will be... interesting. not really sure what to think. but no matter what, i'm just happy to get out of junior high. and madison. but all honors - that might be a challenge. who knows...?

yeah, nights have been pretty lonely lately. especially since i'm almost always the only one still online. i've been falling asleep around three in the morning for some strange reason. my biological clock is all screwed up. i basically just wear the night away facebooking, tetris-ing (sixth place in tetris ultra!), reading, and playing solitaire. with the exception of tonight, which i have spent making this blog-magiger. but luckily, there will be a big sale at nordstrom rack tomorrow, so i'll definitely be there. i've been having this huge urge to shop lately...

and finally, i can't wait to go to china on july 2nd! haven't been there in like four years. and of course, more shopping in china. (: it's gonna be oodles of fun. wellwellwell, thanks for sticking around; i'm surprised i haven't lost you yet. i guess it's time to catch up on my reading.


11:48 PM